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Our Approach to Sustainability

Woodbridge is dedicated to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, which are integrated into every facet of our organization. This commitment shines through in our Mission Statement, Purpose, Values, Guiding Principles, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, corporate policies, and engagement with our community.

A relentless pursuit of continuous improvement drives us. We conduct our business with a strong focus on environmental stewardship, economic prosperity, and social responsibility. Led by the Woodbridge leadership team, we honor and respect the rights of all stakeholders, including shareholders, Teammates, customers, suppliers, and the vibrant communities in which we operate.

2024 Woodbridge Sustainability Report

This year, Woodbridge published its five-year Strategic Plan, which highlights our relentless focus on Empowering Teammates, Operational Excellence, and Technology and Innovation. As you will see in this report, our ESG program is anchored by these same ambitions, and we maintain our commitment to drive sustainability throughout our business for our customers, Teammates and communities around the world.

The Road to a Carbon-Neutral Future

We continue to witness unprecedented climate extremes and have acutely felt the impact of climate change. At Woodbridge, we are continuously developing and refining our road map that will help us reduce carbon emissions over the entire life cycle of our products. We are focusing on what we can control—our products and operations—and collaborating with our suppliers and customers in the areas we can influence. In 2024, we have set targets for 30% reduction in product carbon footprint (PCF) for our polyurethane products and 80% recycle rate for waste generated by production by 2028. We are currently enhancing our carbon data systems and evaluating our long-term emissions targets to be announced in 2025.

WoodbridgeCARES Teammate Community Involvement 

Woodbridge believes that each and every person can have a positive impact on the world. WoodbridgeCARES is a global initiative to inspire our Teammates to contribute to the communities in which we operate through volunteerism and philanthropy. The Vision for this global effort is to empower Teammates, as individuals or in teams, to seek out opportunities to assist others in need in their communities, such as providing food and supplies for people experiencing food insecurity, housing or medical challenges, distributing toys to less fortunate children, or special assistance for seniors. The initiative also includes responding when fellow Teammates experience a sudden or unexpected setback where help from their team can provide comfort and reassurance.

Teammate Value Proposition

Globally, we empower our Teammates to own and improve their piece of the business each and every day. It is our goal to pursue continuous, self-sustaining improvement and waste elimination accomplished through ongoing learning, training, sharing of information, and the use of lean tools and practices.

Our Value Proposition is illustrated through our continuous Strategic Planning initiatives. In July 2024, Woodbridge published its five-year Plan, which outlines our Ambition and Focus. It highlights our relentless focus on Empowering Teammates, Operational Excellence, and Technology.

In 2024, we launched updated PURPOSE, MISSION and VISION across Woodbridge. To align with our Purpose and Actions, which support our Mission and Vision, we introduced a streamlined set of Woodbridge values that reflect our Teammates and leadership today.


  • Integrity: Words and actions are aligned
  • Community: Fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support
  • Accountability: Ownership for one’s responsibilities and actions
  • Respect: Treating others with dignity
  • Empowerment: Placing confidence in and giving autonomy to others

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

In addition to complying with all laws, Woodbridge is firmly committed to consistently treating all Teammates, customers, suppliers and the communities in which we operate with honesty, integrity, fairness and respect. Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) policy sets out clear standards of behavior that we expect of all Teammates and contains specific guidance with respect to each of the following:

  • Compliance with Laws
  • Health, Safety and Environment
  • Respect for People and Human Rights
  • Teammates’ Rights
  • Conducting Business with Honesty, Integrity, Fairness and Respect
  • Open Door Policy
  • Protection of Personal Privacy and Stakeholder Information
  • Financial Reporting
  • Compliance with Antitrust and Competition laws
  • Use of Confidential Information
  • Company Records
  • Bribery and Corruption
  • Inside Information
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Reporting and Compliance Procedures

In addition to the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, we have implemented comprehensive corporate compliance policies and related standards and procedures that give more specific guidance, including the following:

  • Global Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, which provides clear direction regarding the need to avoid bribery and corruption globally
  • Competition Law and Antitrust Compliance Policy, which requires that all Teammates strictly comply with the letter and spirit of all applicable competition laws
  • Conflict of Interest Policy, which requires that all Teammates disclose any potential conflict of interest in their workplace and their related role

Our Global Corporate Compliance Committee, which consists of discipline and regional leaders, is responsible for implementing and maintaining a global corporate compliance program.

We encourage all Teammates to use our SpeakUP! Hotline to report any violations of the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics or any policies or standards. The Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and is administered by an independent third party to ensure anonymity if requested. We expressly prohibit retaliation against any Teammate reporting genuine concerns in good faith.

Woodbridge Code of Business Conduct and Ethics 

Woodbridge Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (English version).pdf

Woodbridge Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (Chinese version).pdf

Woodbridge Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (Portuguese version).pdf

Woodbridge Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (Spanish version).pdf

Supply Chain Management, Compliance and Assessment

Woodbridge has formal supply sourcing standards and policies requiring all current and newly sourced suppliers to certify their compliance with applicable laws against human trafficking and slavery. They must also adhere to our Purchase Order Terms and Conditions and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. We audit any suppliers we have reason to believe may be engaged in any activity that would violate applicable laws. Failure by any of our suppliers to comply with our terms can result in Woodbridge terminating the supply relationship.

Through a planned rollout performed by Corporate Purchasing and Corporate Supplier Quality Assurance, each supplier is evaluated through our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) questionnaire and must receive a passing score to be included on our approved supplier list. As part of our corporate mandate, we aim to assess all new production suppliers and review their overall quality systems, financial health and corporate social responsibility. Once the questionnaire is completed, our Supplier Scorecard allows for ongoing monitoring of each supplier contracted with Woodbridge. Among other measures, our Supplier Scorecard tracks whether suppliers have industry-recognized environmental and health and safety certifications, such as ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. Of Woodbridge’s 273 strategic sources assessed in 2024, we had an 84% response rate, with 100% of those sources achieving a passing grade.

ESG Risk Assessment and On-Site Supplier Audits

Since 2021, Woodbridge has continued to roll out a Supplier ESG Risk Analysis Plan for all new and current suppliers. This strategy evaluates areas of risk to ensure alignment with the supplier’s submitted ESG questionnaire score. The risk-assessed areas are based on component complexity, dollars spent, region and overall ESG score. An on-site audit is conducted on the top-ranked suppliers as we evaluate the global supply chain. In 2024, we completed eight more on-site audits, bringing our total to 33 on-site and digital audits completed. In 2025, we are forecasted to complete an additional 10 on-site sustainability audits from our active supply base.

Purchasing Teammate Training

Our Purchasing Teammates are required to be trained to comply with laws against human trafficking, slavery, conflicts of interest, anti-bribery and the evolving ESG sourcing requirements. We have also included an evaluation of our suppliers requiring them to comply with our policy. On going training requirements for ESG sourcing and strategic source requirements are part of each Teammate’s performance objectives.

Supplier Diversity

At Woodbridge, we believe diversity and inclusion are competitive advantages that improve the creativity, innovation and performance of our Teammates and products. We consider our suppliers an extension of our team—together, we create sustainable strength. Woodbridge’s policy encourages opportunities for all recognized minority- and diversity-owned business organizations to promote economic development. Woodbridge acknowledges its responsibilities to its customers and the communities in which it conducts its business. The sourcing of goods and services from such minority- and diversity-owned businesses must be a function of our routine purchasing practices at all levels of our organization. No potential supplier will be precluded from consideration based on race, color, religion, sex, orientation, age or national origin. Every Woodbridge Teammate who has delegated the responsibility of either directly or indirectly expending corporate funds to purchase goods or services is charged with adhering to this policy. We also participate in several supplier diversity advocacy events, conferences and procurement fairs, including many organized by our OEM customers, such as GM Supplier Connections and Stellantis MatchMaker. We regularly report diversity spend to our OEMs and the Michigan Minority Supplier Development Council where we act as a corporate member.

Conflict Minerals

We have implemented a Conflict Minerals Compliance program, and a policy intended to promote responsible sourcing of tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold (3TG) from the Democratic Republic of Congo and surrounding region, where revenues from the extraction of natural resources have historically funded armed conflict and human rights abuses. The Conflict Minerals Compliance policy ensures that all materials and products provided to us meet or exceed all applicable environmental laws and regulations of the jurisdictions in which the supplier does business. Suppliers must also meet the same requirements that our customers demand of us.
